







[Subcutaneous fat type / pear type obesity]

● Relatively common type in women

● Fat is attached to the back of the skin

⇒ fat that attaches to the back of the skin and is easily noticeable on the outside.

⇒ it takes time for fat to be broken down, so even if you exercise or restrict your diet, the weight loss effect will not appear immediately.

By adding moderate stimulation such as ⇒ massage, the weight loss effect will appear little by little

⇒ thought to progress the disease at a slower rate than visceral fat


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マーキュリーアカデミー 上野御徒町校

マーキュリーアカデミー 上野御徒町校

東京都文京区湯島4-4-2 アリカ文京本郷2階


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マーキュリーアカデミー 恵比寿校

マーキュリーアカデミー 恵比寿校

東京都渋谷区恵比寿1丁目21-14-404 コスタ・デ・ベラノ

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