











【初心者向け】フェイシャルカウンセリングの基礎・エステティシャンの接客講座 | Mercury Academy (mercury-ac.com)

【初心者向け】ボディカウンセリング基礎・エステティシャンの接客講座 | Mercury Academy (mercury-ac.com)

Instagra @gulcosmetics

スクール @インスタ


[Draw out the latent needs of customers] What is necessary for counseling is not just a request. It is also important to ask how you got there. ・Why do you care, when do you care, and when do you want to be? It is also important to understand the real problems of the customers ahead of them. ・I want to make my skin beautiful because my skin has become rough. → In this example, because the skin has become rough (existing needs). I want to make it beautiful (wants). Then, what is the latent need? If you dig deep into why you want to make it beautiful, you will see latent needs. ・In order to draw out potential needs, this question, “Why? It is also important to listen repeatedly. ・If you can draw out latent needs, let’s firmly convey our proposal. ★ In the counseling course, we will be able to do everything from welcoming you (before counseling) to leaving (after counseling). ★Let’s get used to asking questions by remembering the flow.



マーキュリーアカデミー 上野御徒町校

マーキュリーアカデミー 上野御徒町校

東京都文京区湯島4-4-2 アリカ文京本郷2階


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マーキュリーアカデミー 恵比寿校

マーキュリーアカデミー 恵比寿校

東京都渋谷区恵比寿1丁目21-14-404 コスタ・デ・ベラノ

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