






“Vitamin A”

● It is called retinol and is not synthesized in the human body, so it needs to be supplemented from the outside such as diet and skin care.

● It has the function of keeping the skin and mucous membranes healthy, protects the skin from various skin problems, and promotes cell turnover.

● Vitamin A is fat-soluble, so if taken in excess, it can accumulate in the body and cause various health problems.

● Includes covering eel, liver, moroheiya, etc.



マーキュリーアカデミー 上野御徒町校

マーキュリーアカデミー 上野御徒町校

東京都文京区湯島4-4-2 アリカ文京本郷2階


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マーキュリーアカデミー 恵比寿校

マーキュリーアカデミー 恵比寿校

東京都渋谷区恵比寿1丁目21-14-404 コスタ・デ・ベラノ

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