講座はこちら⇒ボルテージボディ | Mercury Academy (mercury-ac.com)
The intestine is the organ that absorbs the nutrients and water in food after it has been dissolved in the stomach. In the “stomach”, the food is made into a mush with stomach acid. In the “small intestine”, nutrients and water are absorbed from the muddy state. In the large intestine, the rest of the water and minerals are absorbed to form stool. The large intestine is a hollow organ with a length of about 1.5 m. The large intestine is divided into the colon and rectum, and the colon is divided into the cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon. The role of the colon is to absorb water from the liquid content sent from the small intestine and turn it into feces and send it to the rectum. In this lecture, we will learn the structure of the large intestine and the reaction of each colon. People with bulging bellies and constipation tend to gain weight easily. You will also learn about its causes and how to deal with it.