●大胸筋(バスト) ●腹直筋(お腹) ●外腹斜筋(脇腹) ●腹膜筋(お腹) ●内転筋(内もも)
●三角筋(肩) ●広背筋(背中) ●上腕三頭筋(二の腕) ●中殿筋(お尻) ●大殿筋(お尻)
●大腿二頭筋・ハムストリングス(裏もも) ●ヒラメ筋(ふくらはぎ)
学べる講座はこちら⇒ボルテージボディ | Mercury Academy (mercury-ac.com)
What is necessary when doing body makeup is to move the muscles involved in body makeup appropriately. Unlike body makeup that only loses weight, you can get the ideal body line by moving properly. [Typical muscles] ● Pectoralis major muscle (bust) ● Rectus abdominis (abdomen) ● External oblique muscle (flank) ● Peritoneal muscle (abdomen) ● Adductor muscle (inner thigh) ● Deltoid muscle (shoulder) ● Latissimus dorsi (back) ● Upper arm triceps Head muscles (upper arms) ● Gluteus medius (buttocks) ● Gluteus maximus (buttocks) ● Biceps femoris, hamstrings (back thighs) ● Sole muscles (calves) In the lecture, we will learn what kind of body makeup can be done depending on the muscles to be trained, including the points to be careful when training.