①基礎代謝 60~70%
②生活活動代謝 20から30%
③食事誘導性熱産生 10%
代謝について学ぶにはこちらの講座⇒ボルテージボディ | Mercury Academy (mercury-ac.com)
There are 3 main types of daily consumption: ① Basal metabolism 60-70% ② Life activity metabolism 20 to 30% ③ Diet-induced thermogenesis 10% Basically, energy consumption is determined by the amount of muscle and lifestyle ①②. ・Basal metabolism is the minimum amount of energy required to sustain life while resting. ・Life activity metabolism is the amount of energy metabolism consumed by daily life activities and exercise other than when resting. In this course, we will check your basal metabolic rate and physical activity level to give you an estimated energy requirement. Also, I’m going to learn what I need to do to increase my metabolism for that.